My latest ramblings

Learning to say no: setting healthy boundaries in your life
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Learning to say no: setting healthy boundaries in your life

Let’s dive into a topic that many of us struggle with but is oh-so-important: learning to say no and setting healthy boundaries in your life. Let’s start by acknowledging something crucial: saying no doesn’t make you selfish or mean. In fact, it’s a powerful act of self-care and self-respect. By setting boundaries and honoring your needs, you're taking control of your life and prioritizing your well-being. So, let’s break down why saying no is essential and how you can master the art of setting healthy boundaries.

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Unlocking career success: the joy of learning new skills
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Unlocking career success: the joy of learning new skills

If you're feeling a bit meh about your career or you're ready to take things to the next level, consider teaming up with a coach. They'll be your partner in crime, helping you rediscover your passion, smash through obstacles, and make a real difference in your career and your organization. Ready to take the plunge? Your career will thank you for it!

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Revitalize your career: how a coach can help you thrive in your mid to later career
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Revitalize your career: how a coach can help you thrive in your mid to later career

If you're feeling a bit meh about your career or you're ready to take things to the next level, consider teaming up with a coach. They'll be your partner in crime, helping you rediscover your passion, smash through obstacles, and make a real difference in your career and your organization. Ready to take the plunge? Your career will thank you for it!

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Keeping the momentum: 3 ways to stay motivated at work after receiving your bonus payout
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Keeping the momentum: 3 ways to stay motivated at work after receiving your bonus payout

Remember, while receiving a bonus payout at work is a rewarding milestone that deserves to be celebrated, it's essential to harness that momentum and channel it into continued growth, learning, and success. By setting new goals and challenges, seeking opportunities for growth and learning, and cultivating a positive work environment, you can stay motivated and inspired to achieve your best at work, long after the bonus payout has been received.

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