My latest ramblings

Revisiting Maslow's hierarchy of needs: its relevance in the modern workplace and the pursuit of purpose
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Revisiting Maslow's hierarchy of needs: its relevance in the modern workplace and the pursuit of purpose

While Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs continues to offer valuable insights into human motivation and behavior in the workplace, the concept of purpose introduces new dimensions to the conversation. As individuals increasingly prioritize finding meaning and fulfillment in their work, organizations must adapt to meet these evolving needs. By recognizing the importance of purpose and creating a work environment that fosters personal growth, collaboration, and social impact, organizations can empower employees to thrive and achieve their full potential in the modern workplace.

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Embracing change: navigating job loss with resilience and optimism
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Embracing change: navigating job loss with resilience and optimism

Losing your job is undoubtedly a challenging and often unsettling experience. However, it's essential to resist the temptation to catastrophize and instead embrace the opportunities for growth, resilience, and new beginnings that arise from adversity. By shifting your perspective, cultivating a mindset of positivity and optimism, and taking proactive steps to move forward with confidence, you can navigate this transitional period with grace, resilience, and optimism. Remember, every ending is a new beginning, and with each challenge comes the opportunity for growth, renewal, and transformation.

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The power of honesty at work: building trust, credibility, and stronger relationships
Corby Fine Corby Fine

The power of honesty at work: building trust, credibility, and stronger relationships

In a world where honesty is often undervalued, its importance in the workplace cannot be overstated. By embracing honesty in your interactions with your boss, your peers, and your team members, you lay the groundwork for trust, credibility, and stronger relationships. Remember, honesty is not just about telling the truth – it's about building a culture of openness, integrity, and mutual respect that empowers individuals and teams to thrive.

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Navigating career success: the art of balancing passion and proficiency
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Navigating career success: the art of balancing passion and proficiency

If you have a passion for painting, but the market demands in the field are unpredictable, you might find it challenging to build a career solely around your passion. This doesn't mean you have to abandon your love for painting but rather find a way to incorporate it into your life in a way that aligns with your broader career goals.

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The job hunt chronicles: catching the bus to success
Corby Fine Corby Fine

The job hunt chronicles: catching the bus to success

In the quest for the perfect job, it's crucial to embrace the journey rather than focusing solely on the destination. Just as bus rides can be full of surprises and unexpected twists, the job hunting process can be filled with valuable learning experiences.

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