10 Questions you wish someone would ask you (but only your coach is willing to)

Life is full of questions, but let's face it, not all questions are created equal. Some are the mundane "What's for dinner?" type, while others delve into the nitty-gritty of our deepest selves. While your best friend might dodge the heavy-hitters, a good coach doesn’t shy away. They’re like that friend who asks what you’re really thinking when you say "I'm fine." Here are ten thought-provoking questions a coach might toss your way—each one designed to tease out the vibrant, sometimes messy truths about who you are and what makes you tick.

1. What does success really look like to you?

Forget the cookie-cutter definitions. If success were a flavor of ice cream, what would it be? Digging into what really satisfies your taste buds can help you scoop out a path that’s all your own.

2. What are you avoiding by staying busy?

Ah, the art of staying busy! Are you actually just doing an epic job at avoiding something else? Maybe it’s time to sit still for a minute and find out what’s under that 'busy' rug.

3. What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Imagine fear isn’t in your vocabulary. Would you finally start that weird sock puppet theater? Move to a new city? This question opens up a world where you’re the brave hero of your own story.

4. Who are you when no one else is around?

Are you a secret opera singer in the shower? The queen of karaoke in your living room? Finding out who you really are when no one’s watching can be the key to feeling more genuine all the time.

5. What are you holding onto that you need to let go of?

Whether it’s a grudge, a bad job, or a pair of jeans that just won’t fit, sometimes throwing things out is the way to make room for new joys.

6. When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?

Was it when you tried sushi for the first time? Learning where you draw the line—and then coloring outside it—can be a fabulous way to discover new passions.

7. If your life was a book, what would this chapter be called?

“Adventures in Grocery Shopping,” or maybe “The Great Sofa Conquest”? Thinking about your life as a story can turn even the mundane into something exciting and worth reading about.

8. What are you most proud of?

This is your chance to toot your own horn! Did you finally nail that yoga pose you’ve been working on? Sometimes, we all need to celebrate the little wins.

9. What does your ideal day look like?

Would it involve flying to the moon, or just having a perfect cup of coffee? Sketching out your dream day can help you start weaving elements of it into your everyday.

10. What is the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn?

Was it learning to say “no” or figuring out how to whip up a decent meal? The toughest lessons often teach us the most about ourselves.

A coach is like the ultimate adventure buddy—they ask the deep questions not to poke you but to challenge you to explore new parts of your map. If these questions get your brain buzzing, maybe it's time to see where a coaching journey could take you. Let's dive into the fun, the serious, and the downright quirky sides of you. After all, isn't life about finding out what’s at the heart of our personal plot twists?


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