My latest ramblings

Unlocking career success: the joy of learning new skills
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Unlocking career success: the joy of learning new skills

If you're feeling a bit meh about your career or you're ready to take things to the next level, consider teaming up with a coach. They'll be your partner in crime, helping you rediscover your passion, smash through obstacles, and make a real difference in your career and your organization. Ready to take the plunge? Your career will thank you for it!

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Unlocking success: top 5 career building moves for the new year
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Unlocking success: top 5 career building moves for the new year

Start the year with intention by re-evaluating and refining your career-building strategies. Updating your skills, expanding your network, setting clear goals, enhancing your online presence, and prioritizing work-life balance can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling professional journey in the months to come.

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Discovering your segment of one: the path to career success
Corby Fine Corby Fine

Discovering your segment of one: the path to career success

In a world of over seven billion people, it's easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. However, each of us is a unique individual, a segment of one. Embracing this uniqueness and defining what sets us apart is crucial in achieving success in our careers

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