My latest ramblings

The unemployment adventure: Three key things to focus on during your job hunt
Corby Fine Corby Fine

The unemployment adventure: Three key things to focus on during your job hunt

Being unemployed can feel like wandering through an uncharted forest, but with the right focus, you can turn it into a period of growth and preparation for your next big adventure. Prioritize self-care, level up your skills, and maintain a strategic job search plan. Soon enough, you'll find yourself not just in a new job, but in a role that feels like the next exciting chapter in your career story.

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How to craft an irresistible resume and cover letter
Corby Fine Corby Fine

How to craft an irresistible resume and cover letter

Crafting an irresistible resume and cover letter is an art that requires attention to detail, an understanding of the technology used by employers, and a personal touch that connects your story to the potential employer. By following these guidelines, you can create documents that not only pass ATS filters but also engage and excite hiring managers. Remember, each job application is your chance to shine, so invest the time to make sure your resume and cover letter are polished to perfection.

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The imperative of lifelong learning: expanding skills and career opportunities
Corby Fine Corby Fine

The imperative of lifelong learning: expanding skills and career opportunities

Lifelong learning is a critical aspect of personal and professional development. It helps us stay relevant in the changing job market, expands our career opportunities, and contributes to personal fulfillment. Therefore, let's embrace the habit of continuous learning and make the most of the opportunities it brings our way.

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